Welcome to mikebellanti.com

At the intersection of real life and the mystery of faith


It has been a long time in the making

I have been considering writing a blog for a long time, actually for a couple of years. I have always had some excuse as to why I could not do it: “I am too busy”, “I am not a good writer”, “I don’t feel like it”.

From time to time people say to me, “you should write something” or “if you wrote a book, I would read it.” I am not ready for a book yet, but I do have somethings “in me” that I would love to share, thus the creation of mikebellanti.com: At the Intersection of Real Life and the Mystery of Faith.

This blog is also the result of an online course I took called Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt | Your Virtual Mentor. This course helped me to establish ten goals for 2016, one of them was the creation of this blog. You can check out the course here: 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever!

At the intersection of real life and the mystery of faith

An intersection is a point where two or more things intersect. Each day when I wake up, I am confronted with this thing called my real life. Much like yours, my real life is filled with ups and downs, joy and sorrow, gain and loss. I have bills to pay, kids to feed and a job (that I love) to go each morning all while trying to maintain my health, both physical and mental, have quality time with my family and stay vibrant spiritually…its a tall order. Intersect all of that with the mystery of this thing called “faith.”


Faith is a tricky thing. As a follower of Jesus, I work very hard to model my life after him and his teaching, particularly the sermon on the mount, thus, there is a very practical and applicable side of faith. But there is also a very difficult side to God, a mysterious side to faith, and Christianity. The Apostle Paul writes to the church gathered in Rome “For who can know the LORD’s thoughts”? On one hand, faith can be practically applied and lived. On the contrary, it is filled with mystery, questions and sometimes confusion.

A Safe Place

This blog is a dedicated safe place. A safe place to talk about hard things, the issues of life and the practice of applying this mystery of faith to everyday living. I welcome honest, wholesome, kind and respectful conversation. A conversation that respects opinions and convictions. Let the journey begin, for we are all real people, with real problems and real questions.

I hope you will read this blog, subscribe to it and share it with your friends!